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Good Beer Hunting

Jun 25, 2016

We’re 84 episodes in, and that means that some of the breweries we profiled when we first started this thing are a year or two old by now. And that’s a year or two of hindsight and lessons learned that anyone in the industry would benefit from.  Why kind of problems has a two-year-old brewery had to solve? What kind...

Jun 18, 2016

Hosted by our London Contributor, Matthew Curtis—For my first episode, I invited one of my best friends in the UK beer industry up to my apartment, here in North London, to record an interview. These days, Chris Hall works for a cool little brewery in South London called Brew By Numbers as their sales and media guy....

Jun 11, 2016

So I’m just going to start by saying this might have been my favorite interview ever. Maybe it’s the Pennsylvania connection, or maybe it’s just Bill’s way of giving zero fucks while also being a strong competitor in the market, or maybe it’s just the lame-duck ease with which he’s handling himself after the...

Jun 3, 2016

Today’s guest is one of those chance encounters in the beer world where an online voice becomes a smile and and a handshake in person.  Andrew Nations of Great Raft Brewing in Shreveport, Louisiana is a guy on Twitter to some. One of those lone rational voices in a literal wilderness of craft beer zealously run amok. ...